Phone: (407) 476-4372

The Orlando Foreclosure Attorney

Orlando, Florida 32801

Foreclosure Attorney Michael Stites

Terms & Conditions

- We Help Stop Home Foreclosure and Remove Debt Liability-

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Make No Mortgage Payments While We Fight. We Represent you for Only $250.00 a Month.

Open M - F 9am to 5pm

Orlando FL, 32801


Home Foreclosure Research Area

Find Out if We Can Do the Same For You.

We Have Helped Hundreds of Homeowners Stop their Foreclosure.

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All initial consultations are completely free and we can contact you about your foreclosure case within 12 - 24 hours.

Foreclosure Education Area

Everything Foreclosure

Basic Overview

Foreclosure FAQs

Ways to Prevent Foreclosure

Walking Away From Mortgage

Attorney Home > Learn About Foreclosure >

The better part of the last two months has been spent creating new and informative content about foreclosure defense. We have added brighter colors, more attractive pictures, and most importantly easy to follow pages when you are trying to learn the ends and outs of foreclosure. The goal is to inform our visitors that there are usually alternatives to the bank taking their homes.

What's New?

We noticed that there is a lot of information about foreclosure on the Internet but it is often unorganized and difficult for the average person to understand. Our law firm is taking the time to help change that by creating our new foreclosure defense research page. We will continue to update the area with more information as the year progresses. If you know nothing about foreclosure we recommend you start here to learn the basics.

What is to Come?

We are digging up some of our retired foreclosure case files and plan to upload and explain them step by step. We will preserve our attorney client confidentially by changing names and dates but anyone should be able to get an idea of what is going on. You should get a better idea of the outcomes of certain foreclosure defense strategies we use and how cases work from start to finish.

The Orlando Foreclosure Attorney Website Gets an Overhaul

Orlando Foreclosure Attorney Website Gets Overhauled

Created by contributing editor Jared Speck